26 May 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, my hopes of going camping for the weekend got squashed when J found out his schedule. He isn't working his regular job, but he got voluntold to work the customer service desk at the hospital Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1800 to 0600. (Ya like that military talk, there?) We were both more than a little bummed. It's now almost noon on Saturday and I expect him to sleep for a while longer before he gets up to go back to base. A&M are in Houston for the weekend, so it turns out I have a lot of free alone time. In a way it's nice, though. I slept for about 10 hours last night. B-E-A-Utiful! :) Then, this morning I spent a couple of hours at the gym. I'll probably end up getting some groceries this afternoon and going to bed early tonight. :)
I got my bone scan on Wednesday. I haven't heard from my doctor yet, but the radiologist confirmed that it is definitetly a stress fracture that has kept my shin in pain these past 3 months. I guess that explains why it's lasted so long. He told me that it is actually almost healed now. At this point, they probably won't do anything about it and according to him, I should be able to start running again. He said that it's normal for it to flare up and hurt a little bit as I ease back into running, but I won't actually be causing any more damage. However, after getting my hopes up *so* high, he gave me the "This is just my professional opinion as your radiologist and someone who has been dealing with sports injuries for years, BUT I'm not your doctor and you need to wait until you hear from him" disclaimer. Blah blah blah. I just want to RUN!!! I'm hoping to hear from my doctor on Tuesday.

21 May 2006


I wanted to post a "thank-you" to every one who has been praying with/for us that we will find a church here. Today was our third Sunday at CrossBridge and we are both very excited about this church. We were even going to attend a class they have for people who are new to the church, but we don't know if we can. The bulletin says it's on Sunday, June 8th. Guess we'll have to check into that a little further.
Anyway, we also went to that Life Group on Wednesday. We met several couples and had a really great time. We went to talk to some of them after church today and they invited us to have lunch at FireHouse Subs. The subs were awesome and again, we had a good time getting to know some of the Life Group people a little better.
Finally, a church with solid Biblical preaching, non-crazy worship, *and* friendly people in our age range. Hooray!!
One last note, for Bob... we drive 30 minutes to get to this church!! But it's well worth it! :)

19 May 2006

I thought I should move the desk to the other room because with nothing in here, the carpet won't ever get worn in. Then, in the future, the carpet in the rest of the house will be worn in and this will still look brand new. Which, incidentally, will make the hallway and other rooms look even worse by comparison.
(And yes, in case you're wondering, I may have to keep moving it back and forth every 6 months until we decide what to do with the extra room. But that does not concern me right now.)

This all really makes sense if you think about it!

Or maybe now you are fully convinced that I'm crazy.

Either way, it seems logical to me.

17 May 2006

A different point of view.

Last weekend I came up with a great idea.
We never really go into our "spare room". Ever since we moved in, it has been kind of the storage room (suitcases, pictures we haven't hung etc). I decided to move the computer desk from the original computer room into the spare room, thus turning it into the new computer room. I don't know what to call the old computer room yet.
J didn't really care one way or the other, so I started to work. I cleaned off the desk, unplugged all necessary wires and moved the computer, dusted the desk. Then, I asked him for help in moving it. Unfortunately, it is a corner desk and would not fit through the door. So I had to get his help in taking it apart before moving it.
I was very happy to see that he got that done for me Monday when he got off work early, and then set the computer and printer up, too.
So now, I am blogging in my new computer room. Although yesterday and this morning I almost went into the wrong room.
Anyway, now I have to figure out where to put all the pictures and decorate-y stuff that we aren't using. Wish me luck!

15 May 2006

what do these people have in common?

Norm McDonald, Jimmy Fallon and me.

We had a fun weekend. Too short, but that always seems to be true. Friday night J took me out to Red Robin. We love that place.
Saturday we did some errands, some fun shopping and watched the Mavs game! Those were the highlights anyway. We also pulled weeds, mowed and J spread some grass feed and weed killer on the lawn. Hopefully that will help.
Sunday we went back to CrossBridge Church. We really like it so far. A couple of guys that we met invited us to their LifeGroup on Wednesday for a barbeque. We're excited to go to that, even though it means missing the American Idol results show. :) Also, we think we may have met the Pastor's wife, but we aren't sure. She just introduced herself as Debbie.
After church, we went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas with A&M. It was great for about 3 hours, then we started getting weather warnings and they shut down the rides. I wasn't too bummed though. I forgot to take my dramamine, and I started feeling sickly after the Superman ride. To end our weekend on a happy note, we watched 3 more episodes of 24.
Right now I'm home on my lunch hour, so I think I'll go find something to eat.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

12 May 2006


I see from your comments that I have created some confusion. I was actually referring to posts such as this.

Or this:

"you put me on a shelf and kept me for yourself"
Swallowed in the Sea - Coldplay

"And you're measuring your minutes by a clock that's blinking eights"
The Brilliant Dance - Dashboard Confessional


I didn't think I had actually posted the poll below since it turned out so hard to read. But apparently I did.
Thanks for voting anyway!!

11 May 2006

10 May 2006

Dusk and Summer

I just found out that Dashboard Confessional's new album comes out June 26th!!
This is definitely the best news I've heard all week.
Possibly all month.

American Idol is rigged

Well, I don't know that for a fact, but it seems obvious based on tonight's show. Don't get me wrong, I agree that Chris was off last night. It was not one of his best performances, but come on!!
Katherine was by far the worst last night! Even she thought she was going home.
Normally I don't get upset about reality shows, but this is ridiculous! Plus, I guessed that Katherine would go home, so now I am not going to win a candy bar at work!
Yes, we have an American Idol contest at work. So far, I have won 4 candy bars. I have not eaten any of them, but that is not the point.

07 May 2006

Jack Bauer is the new Chuck Norris

Now, I know I have at least one reader who will undoubtedly disagree with my proclamation, but likely, he is not hooked on 24. (I won't mention any names...I JUST can't brINg myself to embarRass hIm Cuz He's A Real nice Dude. SO Now, I'll continue with my post. Y'all can probably guess.)
A&M did bring 24 over yesterday. We watched the first 10 hours of season one. We stopped between episodes for bathroom/snack breaks and we actually left the house briefly to get Panda Express for dinner, but other than that, we pretty much sat in front of the TV all afternoon/evening. Although I was warned, I chose not to listen, and now I am totally addicted.

06 May 2006


Today we will tell our friends that we aren't going to their church. They haven't asked us and we haven't said anything yet, but since it's Saturday, I think it's going to come up. Soon they will be here with a season of 24 to get us hooked. The weather is not very nice, so we may just sit around watching 24 all afternoon.
We decided not to go downtown last night, since they were predicting a storm. Instead we went to El Chaparrel. Yep, Mexican food. And it was NOT good. Well, everyone esle thought it was, and the restaurant was really nice. We ate out on the back patio. So much for me deciding to eat Mexican food, it just didn't work!! Next time I'll get the hamburger! :)

05 May 2006

Happy 5th of May!

I am so glad it's Friday! Tonight we're going downtown to the Riverwalk with A&M. Don't know if I'll end up having to eat Mexican food again, but it should be lots of fun anyway.
I went to the doctor earlier this week and she didn't tell me anything new. Pretty much just ice, stretch and keep not running. She did refer me for a bone scan, though. Unfortunately, I am low priority, so I won't be getting that till the 24th (if I can get off work)!
Sunday we're going back to the church we visited on Christmas Eve. Crossbridge Community Church.
Other than that, there's not too much excitement around here. Guess I'll go eat some food before I have to be back at work.