28 January 2007

Seeing as it's been forever since I've posted, I figured it was about time.
This past week was pretty crazy, I had to work 10.5 hours a couple of days in a row. And don't get me wrong, it's not like my job is incredibly hard, but sitting in front of a computer for that long is just TIRING!! It also stinks when you have to go to work before the sun comes up and stay till it's gone down. Anyway, I know a lot of people have it worse than me so I'll stop with the complaining now.
Last night we went to Hollywood Video and rented "Little Miss Sunshine" and the first 3 episodes of "Lost". We haven't started Lost yet; I'll let you know in a few days if I agree that it is addictive. I think we have 2 more discs of 24 to watch, and then we will be completed caught up. So we figured it was okay to go ahead and start a new show. Kayla, I hope this lives up to all the hype.
"Little Miss Sunshine" was interesting. I actually enjoyed it, but it wasn't what I was expecting since it had gotten such great reviews. Unfortunately, Steve Carell was this movie's obligatory gay character. That was a bummer since I really like him.

Our pictures are finally up on realtor.com!
I'm really hoping this will generate a lot more interest. We haven't had any more lookers yet and we really want to move!! Last week, we got an email about an open position with Edward Jones in Redding. I sent in my resume, so I guess I just need to keep praying now!

19 January 2007

We still haven't heard from the photographer that is supposed to shoot pictures of our house. I honestly believed that no one would look at it until we got interior pictures online. However, I was wrong.
Today our house was "shown" for the first time! :) I got a call that said someone would be showing it between 2 and 3. The timing was kind of a bummer since I get off work at 2 on Fridays, but I didn't really mind since this is at least a step in the right direction.
Don't worry, I am not being unrealistic and thinking that these people will suddenly make us an offer (although that would be nice!). Basically, I just feel good that *something* happened, even if it turns out to be nothing.
The Realtor left his card on our table with "house shows great" written on the back. :)

17 January 2007

SA knows how to handle cold weather!

I think today and yesterday have brought the most wintery weather we've had since we moved to Texas. It's been right around 30°, but since it's raining and sleeting everyone is pretty much freaking out. It's kind of nice because TX Department of Transportation does not hesitate when it comes to closing roads. I guess because there are so many bridges and overpasses where the ice is really bad. On the news they're reporting that there were over 600 accidents in San Antonio yesterday.
My work had late reporting, so I didn't have to go in until 10:00, then they ended up letting us off at 3:00 since it was only supposed to get worse. Today they said we'll be open for business as usual, but we have to use our own judgment to determine when, or if, we will go to work. I called in and said I'll be there at 10:00 again. I'm *hoping* they'll send me home early, but the news is saying the weather is going to clear up after lunch. Bummer.
This chilly weather makes me want to go SKIING!!!
Since I have a new camera, here are some pictures:
Sorry you can't really make out J in this picture. To be quite honest, I didn't have on shoes or a coat, and I really didn't want to stand there with the door open any longer! :)
Anyway, this is a slab of ice that he got off his car this morning. He also broke our ice scraper. That could be pretty bad news for us since we could have up to...maybe...one more day of icy weather this winter!

14 January 2007

Another long weekend.

Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be more Federal Holidays this time of year? Maybe I'm imagining things. Either way, I like it!
Tomorrow J and I both have the day off work so that we can honor Martin Luther King Jr. In his honor, I am going to sleep in and watch part 2 of the season premier of 24. I don't know about the rest of the day. :)
J has been gone since Friday, he went to "The Ranch". It belongs to the Dad of our LifeGroup leader, who happens to be pretty well off. I think it's one of 3 houses that he owns. Anyway, they are hunting and playing guitars, but not at the same time. He'll probably tell y'all about it later.
In other news, our house REEKS!!! There's a huge pile of mulch in Helotes (about 4 miles from here) that has been burning since the day after Christmas. The smoke and the smell have stayed away from our house pretty well...until yesterday. The city has finally required that the fire be put out. Between that and an apparent change in wind direction, the smoke seems to be coming straight to our house now. Awesome.
Still no showings of our house. Right now we're waiting for the photographer so we can get some pictures of it online. Hopefully he'll call this week.
Everyone enjoy 24 tonight!! And if you're not watching...well, I feel sorry for you.

10 January 2007

"Not Too Late"

Are any of you planning on buying the new Norah Jones cd when it comes out on January 30th? If you are, will you please please please please pleeeaaase burn me a copy?
I will also gladly accept donations, I'm expecting it to cost approximately $12-$15.

(Yes, we are broke now that J quit the AF). :)

07 January 2007

About to go on the market!

We met with our realtor yesterday. We're using the same lady who helped us buy our house. She said she was shocked to hear that we are moving...but somehow I tend to think she was probably one of the least shocked people, considering we haven't even talked to her in over a year! Anyway, it went well enough, I guess. She doesn't think we'll have a problem selling it, but she did say the average sell time is about 30-40 days.
We have a lock box on our front door and the sign will go up in the yard tomorrow. Soon our house will be on lots of internet sites, too, and I think that'll be what sells it! We told A&M the big news yesterday, and that was the one of the hardest parts to me. Ashley is my best friend here, so I was sad to tell her we'll be leaving. Anyway, it went pretty well, and we also got in 7 episodes of 24: season 5! (Give us a break, it was a cold, windy day...and season 6 starts next week!!)
Well, tomorrow starts another week of long workdays. I'm scheduled for 10.5 hours Monday, but I think Tuesday will only be 10. Wednesday I'm taking a day off for no particular reason, and I'm quite looking forward to it!
Hope everyone's January is off to a great start!

02 January 2007

Happy New Year

Well, I've never been one for making new year's resolutions. But since it's that time of year, and we've recently made a life-changing decision, I'm going to market it as such.
So here they are...our 2007 New Year's Resolutions:

1) Move to Redding.

2) Visit the Grandparents we have not seen in 4 years.

3) Find new jobs.

4) Go skiing.