27 April 2007

I know, I know...

This blog seems dead.
But it isn't!
I just haven't really been making time to update it lately. I guess I haven't had much going on that would be deemed blog-worthy. And I probably still don't, but for the sake of reviving this blog, I will post anyway.
J is working a ton at Pizza Hut. He works most evenings other than Wednesday and Saturday, which means we don't get to see much of each other. This past Wednesday Life Group got canceled, so we got to hang out together for the evening. It was wonderful! It's true what they say...absence makes the heart grow fonder. They sure are smart, aren't they? :)
My excessive work hours have slowed down considerably the past week now that tax season has passed. I actually didn't have to work ANY overtime last week. I was *loving* it! Next week I get to spend 2 days in training, which I am looking forward to quite a bit.
Still no offers or anything for our house. There was another showing last Monday, but nothing has come of it. We don't know what the heck is going on. We still feel like we are following God and waiting for His answers and for His will to be done, but maybe we just weren't clued in to the timing. Our contract with our Realtor ends in June, and the free military move option is up at the end of May. I really just want to get home and be with my adorable Emily. Yes, I called her mine. I MISS HER SOOO MUCH!


15 April 2007

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it!!

08 April 2007

Happy Easter!

I commend all of you that actually got up before the crack of dawn and made it to a sunrise service this morning. CrossBridge had church at our regular time (10:40!!) so we didn't even have to feel guilty for sleeping in!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter.

He is risen!


06 April 2007

Well, I never found out what went down at that house up the street, so I guess it must not have been as exciting as it looked. Oh well.
I'm so excited that it's the weekend! J and I are both off work tomorrow, whoo hoo!! It's supposed to be cold and rainy all day though. I guess we will have to catch up on our 24 and American Idol from earlier in the week. Did anyone watch The Office last night? It was hilarious, as usual. I love that show.
I don't think J blogged about it yet, but he is getting promoted next week! :) I'm very proud of him...he started working as a cook at Pizza Hut about a week and a half ago. Next week he is going to be a manager! It's a bummer in that he will still probably be working a lot of evening shifts, but God works in mysterious ways and we are thankful for everything He gives us!
Happy one month birthday to Emily tomorrow! I MISS HER!!!!


02 April 2007

bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

I've been watching COPS...in my neighborhood! Yeah, I live in the 'hood. What?
Anyway, there are about 7-8 cops up our street, surrounding a particular house. I've heard them say several times, over the loud speaker "Michael Solis, this is the Sheriff's Office, please come to the front door!" But I don't think Michael's down with that.
I really wanna know what's going on. I told J months ago that house is suspicious. It's just always very dark and all windows/doors are completely covered. Anyway, I don't know what's up, but hopefully I'll find out later!
