26 May 2007

my poor nano.

My iPod screen died on me. Apparently it doesn't like running in the rain. Unfortunately, that is the vast majority of our weather lately. Yesterday I totally soaked 2 pairs of running shoes. Yuck. Anyway, if I hold the iPod at *just* the right angle, I can make out most of the words on the screen. It still plays music just fine and I'm quite relieved about that!!
I'm thinking that I'll try to do a marathon either later this year or early next year. I haven't made any definite plans yet, but my legs seems to be pretty much healed and I think it would be awesome!! I wish I knew if we were going to move or not, that would make it easier to plan.
We had an open house last week. No one came. Bummer.
J has been working like a mad man. He's scheduled for 49 hours next week! His boss totally loves him and has been scheduling him more hours than another assistant manager who has already been there for 3 years! It's good for him work-wise, but I feel like we hardly ever get to see each other. It's kind of sad, but on the other hand, it makes us both more appreciative of the time we have together. :)


15 May 2007


I had a good Mother's Day weekend with my mom and my mom's mom. I drove up to Dallas on Friday afternoon and back to SA on Sunday. Made for a lot of driving, but it was worth it! We hung out all day Saturday and even got to do some shopping!
My cousin Jennifer bought be an awesome candle. It's a Tyler Candle and the scent is Sugar Baby. I started burning it last night and it smells incredible! I also got to see Maddie and Andy (Jennifer's kids). We had fun building a puzzle and playing for a little while. For some reason, Andy apparently found it hilarious when I referred to him as "dude". He proceeded to call me dude in every sentence for about the next 5 minutes. It was really cute.
After looking at Mom's Emily pictures this weekend, I've decided to print this one and take it to work with me. No matter what I'm thinking or feeling, I just can't help but smile when I see this picture. She is absolutely THE most adorable baby girl EVER! I hate to think that she is growing up not knowing her Auntie Bean. Marla, please tell her right now that Auntie Bean loves her more than she can possibly imagine!
