24 December 2006

Merry Christmas Eve!

Hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve!
We aren't having a Church service tonight, so I guess we'll be hanging out at home...and opening *one* gift of course! Since our church meets in a school, we had our Christmas Eve service this morning, complete with millions of children dressed up to "act out" the Christmas story. Okay, so I'm exaggerating, there were actually only about 90 children. Yeah...only. It was pretty funny.
Anyway, it's been chilly here which is nice, it makes it feel a lot more Christmas-y! I'm super excited for Jay to open the present I got him. I've been wanting to just give it to him ever since I got it, but I've been strong and left it under the tree. I can't wait till tomorrow, he's gonna LOVE it!
I wish we could spend today and tomorrow with all (or even some) of y'all. But just know that (even though we didn't send out Christmas cards) we love you all!
Happy Christmas!

20 December 2006

4x9, 4

I won't keep y'all in suspense any longer...

I got the shift I wanted!! Starting January 2, my new work week will look like this:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00-5:30 (30 minute lunch)
Friday: 10:00-2:00

I'm super stoked! I'll have to get used to the short lunch, but I think the short Friday will make it well worth it!

19 December 2006

Schedule Changes

Well, our week is off to an interesting start. Jay started his temp job with Aetna, which is definitely an answer to prayer. He loves it so far, although they've just been training and getting oriented the past 2 days. He works 10:00 - 6:30, which means he doesn't get home till about 7:00. The past 2 months, he's been here when I come home for lunch and when I get home from work, so I'm trying to get used to this new schedule. It's pitch dark and getting past dinner time by the time he gets here! I won't complain, though. We're both happy that he has this job, even if it's just for 2 months.
Several weeks ago, I put in for a schedule change at work. "They" have about 6 different schedules available, but about 5 of them are only open to so many people (like 8-10) per year. I submitted my request for the ones I wanted, but since it's based on a lottery system, I didn't expect to get any...although, I have been lucky with the lottery lately! :) Well, I found out tonight that I got two of them! That doesn't make any sense, but I think it was a mistake. I'm going to call tomorrow and see which one I actually get. My hope is that I'll get the 4-9-4 shift. That means I'd work 4 days of 9 hour shifts and then get one day with a 4 hour shift. The best part is, my 4 hour day is FRIDAY!!! Anyway, I should find out tomorrow if I get to keep that one. If so, it'll be effective January 2nd.
Only 11 sleeps till my family gets here! Whoo hoo!!

16 December 2006

Lottery Tickets!!

I moved to my new team at work on Wednesday. Everybody seems really nice and my new TM is really easy-going and fun. I actually thought we'd have to get along well once I found out that her favorite show is The Office. (Speaking of which, did anyone watch it Thursday? It was great!!) Anyway, on Friday morning she brought us all stockings on which she had painted our names. Inside was a variety of homemade cookies and 3 winter-y lottery tickets. They were the scratch off kind, and I won $3.00! :)
I do miss my old team, several of us had been together since the day we started. However, I think I'm going to enjoy my new team.

07 December 2006


Since taking NyQuil inevitably leads to being wide awake, staring at the ceiling and wishing that I could fall asleep, wouldn't it stand to reason that taking DayQuil should actually put me to sleep?
Well, it doesn't.
I guess Vick's not as smart as he'd like to think.

04 December 2006

I'm a little sad about work. Just when I thought everything was going SO well, they threw me a curve. My team manager has been given the opportunity to take a new team. This is a good thing for her, but we are all pretty bummed about the whole situation. Her team will be getting a new team manager next week. I say "her team" rather than "our team" because I will be moving to a new team. I don't know how they made the decision, but just 2 of us from the team will be moving and the rest will be staying in the same section, but getting the new TM.
Anyway, Wednesday I'll be going to a potluck with my new team and Friday I'll be joining them for Team Time, then the official move takes place on the 12th. It's kinda funny how I've gotten attached to my teammates. I'm mostly sad to be leaving my TM, she has been wonderful and I'm skeptical to think that she can be replaced. But I'm praying it will go well.