28 September 2006

Non-Coffee Drinking Christian KaylaM is back with Blogger

After a short stint with a FreeWebs, a would-be competitor to our beloved BLOGGER, KaylaM has realized the error of her ways and has returned to our world.
I should warn you, it is likely that she will not want to take responsibility for choosing to come back. She may even go so far as to blame some of us. I think trying to argue with her may prove futile, so let's just welcome her back and be thankful.
Check out her new and improved blogger site!

***This article was ammended 09/29/2006 at 0516.***

one space, two space

I learned at work yesterday that it is no longer correct to put 2 spaces between sentences.
What I wonder is this: Who the heck gets to decide these things?!
I remember hearing talk about this several years ago, but I don't remember exactly what it was. Anyway, apparently it's real, as my company is actually re-doing all of our external correspondence to reflect the "one space" rule. Thankfully, they do not necessarily expect us to implement the change for internal purposes. Yeah...I'd like to see them try to enforce that. :) Actually, no I wouldn't.
Just for fun, I have been trying it out since...the beginning of this post, and I'm finding it very difficult. I don't want to be typing incorrectly, but I'm a creature of habit and I really just don't understand the reasoning behind this change.
Has anyone else heard about this? Any idea what the deal is?

27 September 2006

workin' hard

J is taking a couple of hours off work today to go to a huge job fair.
Would y'all join us in praying that he won't be nervous and that we will continue to seek God's will in this? We realize we may still be in the beginning of a long search, and we need to trust God and not worry. J only has about 2 weeks of work left!!!
Thanks for your prayers for him today!

UPDATE: Apparently this alleged "huge job fair" was totally lame. But no worries, there is another one tomorrow. Hopefully it will be...not lame.

24 September 2006

Top 10 of the past 10 days

Since I haven't updated for 10 days now, I figured I will just touch on some good things that have happened:

10) Finished traffic school and got my certificate in the mail
9) Made a big decision about which path to pursue at work.
8) Downloaded StumbleUpon for Firefox and checked out some funny, interesting random websites.
7) Ate Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time.
6) Watched about 10 episodes of 24: Season 2.
5) Cooked dinner 4 times.
4) Joined the "Welcome Table" ministry team at church. (Next Sunday is my first week!)
3) Spent most of 2 days with our new friends Carl and Jenny. (see picture)
2) Enjoyed lots of walks in beautiful fall weather.
1) Took 3 more (short, slow) runs...still no pain! :)

14 September 2006

JP #2

So apparently if you wish to complete defensive driving more than one time in a year, you have to appear before a judge in court and request special permission.
Yeah, I didn't know that. But now I do.
Luckily, the judge I appeared before was pretty lenient, and granted me permission before I was technically even finished requesting it. One of the court clerks was nice enough to inform me of what to say. He said to be polite and only address her as "your honor". The conversation pretty much went like this:

Judge: "Katie Myers...how are you this morning?"
Bean: "I'm doing well, your honor, how are you?"
Judge: "Ms. Myers it says here you plead no contest to driving 10 miles over the speed limit. Is that right?"
Bean: "Yes, your honor."
Judge: What do you need from me?"
Bean: "I've already done defensive driving once this year, and I would like to request your perm-"
Judge: "Yeah, sure, I can let you do it again!" (As she scribbles something on my file.)
Bean: "Thank you!"
Judge: "Sit over there until my clerk calls you up."

It was nothing like court on TV.
And, I have already completed 7 out of 11 chapters at GetDefensive.com!

12 September 2006

A day off mid-week

I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go to JP Court. Hopefully I will be able to deal with my second speeding ticket of the year. This one is not quite as unfair as the last one...but either way, I am guilty, so I'll go pay it. I also want to experience the thrill of traffic school one more time, hence the journey to JP Court. Apparently, when your ticket comes from the Sheriff, you can't just process everything by mail.
Since I have no idea how long it will take to complete this appointment, I decided to go ahead and take the whole day off work. I'm very excited, this is the first vacation day I've taken where I wasn't either in California or spending the day with Z&M.
This week marks my 5th week without running, giving my new injury (stupid femur) time to heal. I had originally planned to wait 6 whole weeks, but I'm getting extremely restless, and I don't feel any pain. However, I will still exercise great restraint and start off by running only a mile...or so...on the treadmill. That's my big excitement for tomorrow. If all goes well and I am still pain-free, hopefully I can start working back up to some decent running.
Well, it's about bed time for me. I'm so excited for my day off!!!

10 September 2006

painting pictures

As expected, the pictures don't show the exact color of the walls, but at least these give you a good idea. I am very happy with the way it turned out. Now I just wish that we could paint the rest of the house.
The last picture is just to show y'all how cute my baby roller is! :)

08 September 2006

Happy Friday!

We're going to see The Counting Crows and The Goo Goo Dolls tonight! A dude that J works with bought tickets for the concert, but now he can't go. He gave us the tickets for free, so that's cool!
J will be at the motorcycle safety class this weekend, so I may actually do a real post on here. If my camera/batteries will cooperate, I'll post some pictures of our newly painted downstairs. However, the pictures will probably not do it justice. I recommend that if there's anyone out there who cares to see it, you should come down here and do so in person! :)