30 June 2006

Early morning

J left for California this morning. Actually, he is there already. We left for the airport at about 5:00, then I dropped him off and came back home.
So far it doesn't seem lonely, but that will change when I get home from work tonight.
He won't be home till Thursday night, which is sad for me, but he'll have fun. Golfing, a 50th birthday party (Happy Birthday, Jim...I don't know if you read this!) and other such good times. He is eating In-n-Out right now which just isn't fair at all!!
I'm planning to work for a few hours tomorrow, since nothing else was planned and I would be alone anyway. Plus, Saturdays are supposed to be pretty cool cuz you don't have to dress up and you can listen to your headphones!
Anyway, that's about all the excitement I can muster right now.
Guess I'll go eat some cereal.

27 June 2006

I am not pregnant.

But every other chick we had dinner with tonight is! We went to dinner with a couple from Life Group and they had invited another couple from Life Group (that we had not yet met) who brought along another couple (who will probably soon be a part of our Life Group). 2 of them are due in October and the other one just found out last week that she is pregnant. Are we just getting to that age? I'm starting to feel a little out of place.
Just to clarify, we're not hoping to have kids any time soon. :) Thank goodness A&M don't want kids yet, either!
Anyway, now that I have that out of my system...
Well, actually not that much is going on.
I bought the new Dashboard Confessional album. When I imported it into iTunes, the genre said "rock". I don't think I'd classify it that way. Anyway, I went to Target on my lunch hour to pick it up. Now I think I'll go put a song on here.

24 June 2006

home alone

Well, J and I are back to being here all alone. It was so much fun having Zachary and Marla here. Their flight left at 6 something this morning. I got up to say good bye, but J took them to the airport. Just as well, that way I was so tired and wanting to get back in bed that I didn't cry. I felt it was justified by the fact that I have been getting up for work the past 2 weeks and he has had 6 days off!!
Anyway, now we're kinda moping around feeling sorry for ourselves. Wishing they would've stuck around longer.
On a happier note...my new computer is here! I think Zachary has spent a lot more time on it than I have, but I love it so far nonetheless. We've already had some fun with photobooth. This is a shot of Zachary staying up all night last night working on my computer. Well, I guess it's time J and I go get some errands run.
We love y'all!

15 June 2006

I'm getting an iMac!

We ordered an iMac today to replace my deceased eMac. I'm super stoked. We're hoping it gets here before Zachary and Marla go back to California so he can hook me up with some sweet stuff. But I just got the confirmation email, and it might not be here.
Anyway, today we went to the Apple store and played with an isight like the one I will soon have on my new computer. And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are some SWEET pictures of Marla and me!

14 June 2006

Well, usually I am the first to update, but with my lack of a computer I've been slackin' big time. We're having a great time with Zachary and Marla. Well, they are all having fun during the day while I work, but the evenings are fun. Tonight we went to the Riverwalk and the Alamo. Unfortunately, the Alamo was already closed for the night, so we didn't get to go inside.
Tomorrow we are planning to head over to Six Flags Fiesta Texas and hopefully play around at the water park for a little while.
As of today, I still have to work on Friday. I'm hoping that will change, but I'm afraid it won't. That means I'm gonna have a loooong day of working and driving.
If you want to know what we're up to here, just check out Zachary and Marla's blogs.
Hopefully I will figure out what to do about a new computer soon, then I'll be back to the regular blogging.
P sout.

05 June 2006

Work and Play

Today, my class and I graduated from Phase I of our training. I found out last week that I get to move forward more quickly than originally expected. Five of us from my class will be going to Phase II training with another class tomorrow while the rest of our original class doesn't go until late July or August. It's not actually a promotion, in that we won't be getting raises or different titles or anything, but I'm still very excited about it. I'm sure this doesn't seem exciting, but this week I will be learning how to establish non-retirement mutual fund accounts! Whoo-hoo! Unfortunately, that means that my schedule for the rest of the week will be 7:45 to 4:45. But on the bright side, Monday is the beginning of my new 8:30 to 5:30 schedule, which means I will have an extra half hour in the mornings!
Zachary and Marla will be here on Thursday night. I probably won't see them until I come home for lunch on Friday, but then I get to spend the weekend with them. We're super stoked to have them. We even went grocery shopping in honor of their coming here! Also, I found out that I get next Thursday off work. This means I have an extra day with them that I had not been counting on. HOORAY!!!
Still no news from the doc about my shin. They called me back on Friday and said they don't have the results yet, but I can try back at the end of this week. Can I?! Really?! Gosh, how convenient. So I am still not running. (But I am considering it every day.)

03 June 2006

A sad story/excuse for lack of blogging:

One day last week, I came home from work, as I always do. On my way to the bedroom to change, I stopped off to check some blogs. As I approached my computer, I noticed that it was turned off. Naturally, I yelled down to J, "Why the heck did you turn off my computer?!"
I pushed the power button, heard the little warm up noise and headed downstairs, asking again why my computer was off.
"What? I didn't turn it off." He exclaimed.
"Why is it off then? It was working fine when I was home on lunch."
At that point, he headed back upstairs and I stopped thinking about it. That is, until he came back down.
"I tried turning it back on and it won't work," he said.
"But I just turned it on, I heard the noise!"
Well, as it turns out, it is only the very beginning of this noise that comes from the computer. Then, it promptly stops and refuses to turn on. We've tried several things to no avail.
For now, we both have to share the Lappy. I don't like typing on it, and I desperately miss all my favorites and saved passwords.
The only hope I have left it that Zachary will be able to fix it when he gets here! If not, we'll have to buy a new compy (J wants a mac mini, I think) and I really don't want to spend money on that right now.
HURRY, Zachary!!