So apparently if you wish to complete defensive driving more than one time in a year, you have to appear before a judge in court and request special permission.
Yeah, I didn't know that. But now I do.
Luckily, the judge I appeared before was pretty lenient, and granted me permission before I was technically even finished requesting it. One of the court clerks was nice enough to inform me of what to say. He said to be polite and only address her as "your honor". The conversation pretty much went like this:
Judge: "Katie are you this morning?"
Bean: "I'm doing well, your honor, how are you?"
Judge: "Ms. Myers it says here you plead no contest to driving 10 miles over the speed limit. Is that right?"
Bean: "Yes, your honor."
Judge: What do you need from me?"
Bean: "I've already done defensive driving once this year, and I would like to request your perm-"
Judge: "Yeah, sure, I can let you do it again!" (As she scribbles something on my file.)
Bean: "Thank you!"
Judge: "Sit over there until my clerk calls you up."
It was
nothing like court on TV.
And, I have already completed 7 out of 11 chapters at!