27 February 2007

Okay...I admit

Jack is much cuter than I expected him to be. He's just a teeny little puppy dog. I don't think I'll have too much of a problem with him staying the weekend, as long as he doesn't do his business on my carpet. EEEeeew!
J is now trying to convince me that we need to go buy one of Jack's brothers. I don't think I'm there though...plus, they're kind of expensive.
Still no news on the house. But it's only 8 days till we go to California!! Whoo-Hoo!! Hopefully Emily will make her debut into the world sometime between now and then.
I had a meeting with my boss today. We were talking about my trip next month. As the discussion wore on, she asked me point blank: "Do you think you'll move back to California?". I didn't know what to say. I haven't told her (or anyone at work other than Matt). I figured it would be better to wait until the house sells. I just said "probably someday, we don't know yet". But it felt kind of deceptive.


24 February 2007


My good friend Ashley (and her husband) got a puppy today. It is a Jack Russel Terrier named Jack. His full name is actually Jack Bower. :) I have not met him yet, but I will in about an hour.
You may be thinking that this is a weird thing for me to post about, and you may be right. But that is not the point. The crazy thing is that I have agreed that Jay and I will "babysit" him next weekend. Yes, I have agreed to let a dog not just come into my house, but to stay in here for an extended period of time (yeah, like 2 days). For any of you who may not know, I am a TOTAL clean freak and while I don't dislike dogs, I certainly do not love them. May this be a true testament that I am a good friend. Jay is hoping this will change my mind and I will decide that we can get a dog. I don't expect this to happen, but I guess there is always a small chance of a miracle.

On a completely unrelated note, I have decided that my post labels will reflect whatever I am currently eating, or the most recent thing that I have eaten. This way I will have labels, but will not have to waste any time thinking of them. Oh, and also, they will be useless.


16 February 2007

I finally have the new blogger.

Not by choice, though. Apparently the old one is gone, because it would not allow me to log in. I can only imagine all the time that could be wasted trying to think of labels for my posts.
Anyway, we're about to leave for Dallas. We figured we go spend a few days with Nanny. The thought was that we may not be here much longer, so we should go ahead and do it now. The reality is, it seems like we're gonna be here forEVer. Hopefully I'm wrong.
We bought plane tickets Wednesday, so we'll be in California from March 7th - 13th. Hopefully Emily Elizabeth will be one week old when she meets her Auntie Bean and Uncle Stain. We're SOOOOOO stinkin' excited, we can hardly wait!


10 February 2007

Since I could not afford to buy the new Norah Jones album, I downloaded the songs from Acquisition last week. I like it, but it's got a very different feel from her other 2 albums. I guess I'll wait and see, it might be one of those that I grow to like more after a few more times of listening to it.
We did watch those first 4 episodes of Lost that we rented. It was interesting, and we did enjoy it, though I don't really think I can compare it to our true TV addiction: 24. Anyway, I'd like to keep watching, as I'm sure we'd get more into it as it progressed. Unfortunately, I did the math, and it costs approximately $1 per episode to rent. While that may not seem like a lot of money, it is a lot more than nothing, which is how much it would cost to borrow it from Kayla someone who already owns it. So we may just wait and do that.
The San Antonio rodeo is this week. We almost went. But then Ashley didn't win free tickets from her work, so instead we watched The Office. I don't think I've ever actually been to a rodeo, but I hear that it's quite an experience.
Anyway, it's time for us to go to Old Navy and see if we can spend our Christmas gift cards.
Have a great weekend!

07 February 2007

This is not an abandoned blog*

For some reason, I just haven't had much I felt like blogging about lately.
We're still in Texas, in case you haven't noticed. Haven't had any more showings of the house.
Still praying about that.
J's temp job ended earlier than expected: aka yesterday. He's job searching again.
Still praying about that.
I guess there's just not that much going on.
Anyway, don't give up...I promise to think of something to blog about soon!! :)

Of all the stupid bumper stickers, one of my all-time favorites is the one that says "this is not an abandoned vehicle" stuck on the back of a junky old car. Especially when you see that car in the very last space of a parking lot.